

Blogging Basics

Octopress offers some rake tasks to create post and pages preloaded with metadata and according to Jekyll’s naming conventions. It also generates a global and a category based feed for your posts (You can find them in atom.xml and blog/categories/<category>/atom.xml).

If you are using zsh in the command line, then please add alias rake=noglob rake to your zsh config to prevent the zsh: no matches found error that occurs when running these rake tasks.

Configuring Octopress

I’ve tried to keep configuring Octopress fairly simple and you’ll probably only ever change the Rakefile and the _config.yml. Here’s a list of files for configuring Octopress.

_config.yml       # Main config (Jekyll's settings)
    Rakefile          # Configs for deployment
    config.rb         # Compass config
    config.ru         # Rack config

Configurations in the Rakefile are mostly related to deployment and you probably won’t have to touch them unless you’re using rsync.

Octopress Setup

First, I want to stress that Octopress is a blogging framework for hackers. You should be comfortable running shell commands and familiar with the basics of Git. If that sounds daunting, Octopress probably isn’t for you.



Octopress是利用Jekyll博客引擎开发的一个博客系统,生成的静态页面能够很好的在github page上展现。号称是hacker专属的一个博客系统(A blogging framework for hackers.)